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Shandong China Coal Group Co., Ltd. Import & export Branch  

Locomotive, Steel Rail, Self Rescure, U Steel Arch Support, Railway Maintenance Equipment

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Home > Welcome to Shandong China Coal Group Co., Ltd. Import & export Branch
Shandong China Coal Group Co., Ltd. Import & export Branch Shandong China Coal Group Import & Export Co., Ltd. is a major international business service platform of China Coal Industry & Mining Group. Our group is a big enterprise which has about 140 professional branches and more than USD20 million registered capital. We are one of the top ten leading enterprises specializing in manufacturing & trading mining,railway, and industrial equipment. Engaged in the area for more than 20 years, our products have been exported to more than 140 countries such as the UK, America, Canada, South Africa, Zimbabwe, India, Indonesia, Singapore, Australia, Mexico, Ecuador, Egypt, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Vietnam, Mongolia and so on. With quality-ensured products, we have successfully got ISO9001: 2008 standard certificate, SGS Certificate, Alibaba GIS field certificate and 58pc national MA safety certificate of mining pro... [More Details...]
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